Get to know Patrick Rommel - Global Product Manager

Patrick Rommel

Patrick Rommel has had a role with Axelent since 2020. He started as a Marketing Assistant for Germany then but has now been offered a new role in the company as a Global Product Manager. This is a perfect example of how we work with our strategy “One Axelent” in all aspects. Patrick will work from Germany but be a part of the HQ team in Sweden.

Can you tell a little bit about yourself?
I am 33 years old, and I live in Stuttgart, which is in the southwest part of Germany. In a few weeks I will be a dad for the first time, which makes me massively proud and happy. I enjoy doing sports, spending time with family and friends and to travel.

What have you done before you started here?

Before I joined Axelent I worked in sports business for over five years. I was project leader for sponsoring and events at a handball club in Stuttgart, that is playing in the German Bundesliga. Before, I studied Business administration, Marketing & sports management.

When did you start at Axelent and what was your role?

I started in September 2020 in the role as a sales and marketing assistant at Axelent Germany. Together with our MD I was responsible for the entire marketing for the German branch.

You now have a different role within the company, can you tell us a bit about this new position?

My new role is different to the ones I have had before. There will be many new tasks and responsibilities, but I am really looking forward to it. Leaving a comfort zone is always a bit of a challenge but also a great opportunity. In my new role as a Global Product Manager all will be more technical focused and together with the other Product Manager I am responsible for new products, as well as for innovations and improvements of our existing ones – in my role for the solutions we offer for the warehouse area. The basis for my work or I would say for our work is good cooperation with all countries, sharing ideas and needs for product developments and improvements. All the results out of this lead to business cases and decision making points about how to move on.

How does it feel to get this new role?

It feels very good! I haven’t searched for a new role but when you get asked and considered the right person for the role it is a good feeling. Besides this, Timo (our CEO) and the German team supported me as well, so all in all this gave me a good feeling as well and I am looking forward to this now.

This is a part of our strategy “One Axelent” - can you share how this is reflected in your new role?

I would say this is a perfect example of how “One Axelent” can remove boundaries within the company and that we all work together can be realized. I will stay in Germany and be a part of the German team but will work for the HQ in Sweden and be there more often. Many parties can benefit from this.

In what way would you describe Axelent? 

In my eyes Axelent is a company that is always moving forward, with ambitious goals, high quality products and a clear plan. Axelent is open minded where any idea, feedback or opinion is welcomed, and anybody can play a major role within the company. So, if somebody wants to do more, you can always do more. There are also flat hierarchies within the whole Axelent Group.

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