New smart door solves space shortage

One common request that we get is for doors with a wide opening but without any overhead rail. Doors that can preferably be made to magically disappear and not take up a lot of space. There is often not enough space for long sliding doors or wide door panels, e.g. at a loading and unloading station of an automated cell for handling sheet metal or other materials.

Smart Port Vid Platsbrist)




Now, at last, we are pleased to present a compact solution! We’ve developed a combined hinged and sliding door for X-Guard that opens in a compact way to as much as 4 metres. All the advantages of both door types have been fused into one!

The door panels do not take up more space than a single hinged door when it stands open. Moreover, since an overhead rail is not required there is nothing to prevent opening in a vertical direction. This door is therefore also an excellent option when greater heights are required on the machine guard’s mesh panels. 

A specially designed, flexible cable conduit for a circuit breaker, if installed, is available as an optional extra.


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