Mikael is looking to encourage more participation throughout the Axelent Group

Last December Mikael Ström took up his position as product manager at Axelent. What does it entail and how has his first couple of months been? X-News sought him out to find out more about our latest team member.

What did you do before coming to Axelent?

I worked in sales, marketing and customer support in manufacturing industries for over 20 years. My focus has always been on the product and the user and I often find myself acting as a go-between. I feel that working in several, both nationally and internationally, has been good for me. It has given me a broad understanding of the business. As a person I’m a good listener and see opportunities for improvement. I’ve always been willing to go the extra mile for the customer.

Mikale Strom Axelents New Product Manager



What is your role at Axelent and what does it actually entail?

Product Manager with the responsibility of running and developing the company's Product Department. My main task is to ‘take ownership’ of our products throughout their service life. This also entails improving processes and working methods in all departments in their handling of our products. I strongly believe in participation and will work hard on improving this, both internally and externally. This means working closely with our offices around the world to get them more involved. It’s important that they feel part of things and can influence developments at an early stage.

What are your impressions of the company based on your first three months?

It’s been really nice. Axelent is a forward-thinking company full of highly motivated people. Despite being a large company, the decision-making is streamlined and the team spirit is infectious.

Mikael Strom In The Showroom)



Which synergies do you look to create in your work?

To contribute to an organisation in which everyone feels a part of the everyday work. I hope to be able to foster an efficient and project-based approach. I want to contribute to cost-effective products, among other things, by streamlining Axelent's product mix.

What does a normal working day look like?

It varies a lot, but I work on our various projects with calculations and I keep all the other departments in the loop. It could involve meetings to discuss new products with the design and construction people or new marketing material with the inhouse teams.

Why would you recommend Axelent?

Because there is a will in the company, as there is in me, to go the extra mile for the customer. Then, of course, speed and short lead times is something that defines the whole company.

5 quickies with Mikael Ström

City or countryside?

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?

Favourite place?
On a cliff by the sea in Terrigal, New South Wales in Australia reading a book. Or in a forest training my dogs.

Hidden talent?
I’ve completed a marathon.

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