Emma wants to develop products and people

Emma Sundelius is the new Head of Development at Axelent AB. In her new role, she will be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the R&D department.

Emma Sundelius (1)


What positions had you held before joining Axelent two years ago?

I have a degree in product design engineering and specialised in integrated development. The programme taught us how to develop optimised products from both a product and user perspective. We also learned the importance of asking the question “why?”. That is something I will always remember and put into practice. After graduating, I joined Thule as a KIT engineer, working with customisations of their roof racks.

What has your career journey at Axelent looked like?

I joined Axelent as a project manager about two and a half years ago. My first major assignment was to conduct a feasibility study on the market for the X-Tray range within the food environment. Time will tell if this is an area we’ll be investing in. Working with different products at Axelent kept the work varied, which I enjoy. When I began, Johan Axelsson was both the Technical Manager and head of the department. I was given the opportunity to step into the role of Development Manager to allow Johan to focus on the technical aspects, which is his passion. This means that I oversee the R&D department’s day-to-day activities. Axelent’s business is moving towards a more project-based approach and I am responsible, along with our Product Manager Mikael Ström, for helping to deliver this and to accomplish the goal of increasing involvement and engagement in the organisation.

Emma Sundelius Ironman)




What are your greatest strengths in your new role as Head of Development?

I think that I’m good at listening to and understanding the opinions of others, and I have a broad network of contacts at the company and good relationships with lots of people in the various business areas. I like working in a structured manner and for things to be organised and orderly.

What does a normal working day entail for you?

A normal day always includes at least one meeting, internal and external. An example of an external meeting might be with the product department to discuss what we need to focus on in a specific project. I want to develop even closer working with the product department. They, in turn, should be collecting feedback from all areas of the organisation. Ultimately, the idea is that those of us developing the products should have all the right factors in place for our daily work, which is focused on technologies and smart solutions. My goal for R&D is for us all to develop as individuals and as a department.

Observant readers will already have seen you in our articles about the Ironman competition and the Cykelvasan race. What is it about these types of activities that appeals to you?

I really like training and setting myself a challenge in different styles of competition. I’m using my brain all day at work, so it’s nice to be able to switch off completely and let my body do the work!



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