Storage for wine enthusiasts in Paris

Les Chais de France is a place where wine enthusiasts can rent their own storage in the company’s big wine cellar. Located in a natural storeroom, Les Chais de France wine cellars benefit from timeless beauty of cut chalk with the efficiency of the latest technologies in terms of hygrometry. They also offer wine tastings at the convivial bar.



The standard box contains from 200 to 550 necks depending on the size and layout chosen by the customer. Les Chais de France are able to create customised storage space for larger quantities of bottles if required. Les Chais de France chose to work with BMI Axelent for the layout of their wine cellar storerooms. Mr. De La Porte, MD at Les Chais de France, has answered some questions about Axelent’s products.

What was your need in terms of safety and storage?

First of all, we needed storerooms with mesh walls which allowed air circulation. Secondly, the mesh had to be thick enough to avoid degradation with any tools. Thirdly, we needed to customise the mesh panels sizes to streamline the storage.

Why did you choose BMI Axelent as a safety partner?

BMI Axelent was the supplier who offered the best match for products and services at a competitive price.

What do you think about Axelent’s products?

I am totally satisfied with Axelent’s products, they are of good quality and good finishing. The panels are easy to install, in addition the order process and the delivery time always being reliable.

Customer case

Les Chais de France

Paris, France

Storerooms F/FK

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Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser neues Zeichenprogramm Axelent Safety Design - die einfache Art, Sicherheit zu entwerfen

Entdecken Sie die Einfachheit unserer intuitiven Zeichenanwendung, die sich perfekt für die mühelose Erstellung von Sicherheitslayouts eignet. Safety Design bietet eine umfassende Produktpalette, die von Maschinenschutzvorrichtungen bis hin zu Fußgängerabsperrungen reicht und alle Aspekte der Sicherheit in Maschinen- und Lagerumgebungen abdeckt. Sorgen Sie für einen sichereren Arbeitsplatz mit Safety Design, wo Sicherheit auf Einfachheit trifft.