Birthday greetings from Axelent GmbH

Twenty-five years ago on March 29th 1993, Axelent opened an office in Germany. Today, we are a leading machine safety brand in Germany.




At the start, Axelent was registered as Axelent Vertriebs-gesellschaft für Schutzgittersysteme mbH, but has since then changed the name to Axelent GmbH. The company is a leading machine safety brand in Germany and, along with their own business area Axelent Profiservices, provide safety solutions to a range of industries, including mechanical engineering, robotics and storage and logistics companies. Since the beginning Axelent GmbH has been a subsidiary of Axelent AB.

At the beginning of May the German team met at the office in Stuttgart for team training. The evening concluded with birthday celebrations 147 metres aloft in the town’s famous TV tower.

Axelent Germany 25 years

TV tower in Stuttgart

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