Renewed heavyweight certification

X-Guard awarded the German DGUV Test mark for the second time

The certification is a symbol of safety and security. Test and certification body, Berufsgenossenschaft, has been issuing their own certification mark, the DGUV Test mark, since 1984. Certification can be awarded to complete production and work equipment, parts and ancillary equipment.




Harald Steidle Axelent GmbH

To be awarded a DGUV certification mark a product must undergo extensive type testing. The tests determine whether the product fulfils the health and safety requirements. A key part of the certification programme is product inspection, which ensures that the brand is not abused. 


The right to use DGUV certification is valid for only five years. It can be renewed as long as the product continues to fulfil the safety requirements.

Harald Steidle, Managing Director, Axelent GmbH:

”X-Guard Classic has been awarded DGUV certification yet again. This is great news for Axelent and further confirmation that X-Guard is one of the best machine guard systems on the market.”

Motek in Stuttgart October 9-12

Axelent GmbH exhibited on home turf and shone the spotlight on X-Tray for X-Guard. The wire trays were displayed in a variety of ways to show their flexibility for all types of cable mounting.

Motek ended with a very popular guest. Axelent GmbH sponsors the TVB 1898 Stuttgart handball club. Goalkeeper Johannes “Jogi” Bitter, 2007 World Champion with the German team, visited the stand to sign autographs and pose for photographs. The picture on the right shows Jogi in the middle flanked by Team Axelent GmbH.

Axelent GmbH at Motek Stuttgart Axelent GmbH and Jogi Bitter

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