New! X-Guard posts prepared for push buttons



Axelent has developed X-Guard posts ready prepared for push buttons. They make handling much easier and give a clean and tidy installation.

The post is equipped with a cover cap that doubles up as a guard against accidental activation. Designed for standard push buttons.

The post comes in widths of 50x50 or 70x70 mm, and heights of 2000 and 2300 mm.

X-Guard post, prepared for push buttons

Item No. P11-200-A01 – 50x50, 2 000 mm

Item No. P11-230-A01 – 50x50, 2 300 mm

Item No. P13-200-A01 – 70x70, 2 000 mm

Item No. P13-230-A01 – 70x70, 2 300 mm

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