Erik takes over planning




Erik Samuelsson, indoor sales at Team Construction

What is your background?

“I grew up in Karlskrona. After doing national service I moved to Skåne, the southermost provence in Sweden, to study. I’m a fully trained sixth form teacher, but after a few years teaching I got a job as sectional head at Ikea. I’ve also worked as a service manager at Selecta, and before taking this job I worked at the former rubber factory in Värnamo where I was involved in developing meetings concepts and in the inauguration of the new premises. I’ve lived in Skillingaryd with my family for the past six years.”

What are your greatest strengths in customer service?

“I hope I can make the customers feel seen and heard and understand how important they are for Axelent. When customers contact us they should feel assured and be met in a professional manner. I hope to become a part of that.”

What is the most inspiring thing about your job?

“I’ve not yet become fully acquainted with my role in Team Construction, but so far I like the variety that my work entails. As well as indoor sales I also have the task of planning our product assembly. This entails everything from liaison with site managers and logistics planning to supervising our assemblers to help them carry out their work in the best possible way.”

Why would you recommend Axelent?

“Axelent is a reliable and stable company. A leading company that never compromises on quality, which naturally boosts customer satisfaction and employee engagement. My colleagues have been very kind and helpful since I started. And who wouldn't want a warm reception like that?”

5 quickies
with Erik Samuelsson

City or countryside?

Activity or relaxation?

Eat out or at home?
At home

Favourite place?
Our family farm where we all help out with the forestry and farming

Hidden talent?
I’m a dab hand at Pancake flipping

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