Axelent GmbH

Axelent GmbH continues to grow and are now moving into a new office

Axelent GmbH has been active in Germany since 1993. Next year marks their 25th anniversary, and a lot has happened over the years. The workforce has grown substantially to close on twenty. As the company has grown so has the need for a larger premises. Since July this year Axelent GmbH has occupied their new offices in Degerloch, a famous district in Stuttgart.




Harald Steidle Axelent GmbHHarald Steidle, Managing Director, Axelent GmbH

 Our company looks back at a time of development and growth. As the company has grown so has the need of a new, larger office. We are thankful to have been given the opportunity to move within the same building and are now at home in our new spacious office ready to reap the benefits. For example, we now have the opportunity to hold safety courses and other customer events in our own premises.

Axelent GmbH new office Axelent GmbH Showroom

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Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser neues Zeichenprogramm Axelent Safety Design - die einfache Art, Sicherheit zu entwerfen

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