Ten-year-old Felicia competed against the world’s elite in the USA

In the previous edition of X-News, we reported on Felicia Jakobsson from Falkenberg whose win at one of the Betongcupen’s skateboard competitions in Värnamo, Sweden, qualified her for the international Dew Tour competition at Long Beach, California.

Felicia Jacobsson


Axelent and the content agency Glory Days provided Felicia and her family, who are also highly committed skaters, with financial backing to make this dream trip to California, the cradle of skateboarding, possible.

It was the toughest competition that Felicia had ever taken part in and a bit too difficult to progress from the qualifying round. Her performance was good, but not perfect, and she ended the competition in 30th place out of 38 skaters. It is worth mentioning that this is one of the world’s largest skateboard competitions and that ten-year-old Felicia was up against some of the best international female skaters. Betongcupen is a good competition but the Dew Tour is on an entirely different level and was a valuable experience for Felicia as she progresses towards long-term goals.



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