Axelent Product Meeting

Monday April 16, representatives from Axelent's subsidiaries and retailers gathered for a day focusing on Axelent's products.




Representatives from 14 offices visited Axelent's headquarters in Hillerstorp for a day of news and information of the product range and to discuss future products.

They were shown around Axelent's new showroom. The showroom is available for sellers to book for customer viewings.




X-Tray meets the demands for the food processing industry

Those interested could stay on until Tuesday to listen to a lecture on food hygiene. Stefan Åkesson, Food Safety & Equipment Safety Manager, Tetra Pak, gave a lecture on industrial plants with high hygiene demands.

Axelent is a member of EHEDGAxelent is a EHEDG member

Axelent is one of the 1,300 members of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group. EHEDG was founded in 1989 and is a non-governmental organisation aimed at promoting hygienic design and food technology through a group of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes and public health authorities.

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Safety Design

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser neues Zeichenprogramm Axelent Safety Design - die einfache Art, Sicherheit zu entwerfen

Entdecken Sie die Einfachheit unserer intuitiven Zeichenanwendung, die sich perfekt für die mühelose Erstellung von Sicherheitslayouts eignet. Safety Design bietet eine umfassende Produktpalette, die von Maschinenschutzvorrichtungen bis hin zu Fußgängerabsperrungen reicht und alle Aspekte der Sicherheit in Maschinen- und Lagerumgebungen abdeckt. Sorgen Sie für einen sichereren Arbeitsplatz mit Safety Design, wo Sicherheit auf Einfachheit trifft.