Christian Souabe BMI AxelentBMI Axelent expanding

Increased storage capacity to meet customer demand

BMI Axelent is located in Saint Romain de Colbosc, a small town near Le Havre on the Normandy coast. Le Havre is the largest port in France, handling 100 million tonnes of freight a year. This puts BMI Axelent right in the centre of things.



Christian Souabe, Managing Director of BMI-Axelent, France

“Our current storage facility of 900 square metres is no longer sufficient so we’re expanding it by a further 600 square metres. This will give us a total storage capacity of 1,500 square metres and bolster our market position regarding rapid deliveries. Construction began in September 2017 and will be completed in December.”




Strong growth and a great demand

“Our expansion is the result of strong growth in combination with a great demand for our stock items. The increased storage space will improve delivery times for small orders of stock items. It will also bolster the organisation with the addition of a new team member who will be in charge of order preparation. We’re looking forward to a bright future.”

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