All for a good cause

Hooks Golf Club organises an annual event called “Tappra Barn”, or Brave Children. Local companies and the Tappra Barn charity support the event and the money they raise goes to children who are experiencing tough life circumstances.

Tappra Barn Golfen)



The Golf Day at Hooks Golf Club is a major event and attracts some 200 players and as many companies. The hosts of the competition are former professional ice hockey player with HV71 Johan Davidsson, professional golf player Pelle Edberg, and TV sports commentator Karin Frick.

Emil Rask, Marcus Claesson and Daniel Filipsson played for Axelent. Bengt-Åke Gustafsson, the former ice hockey legend and head coach of the Swedish national ice hockey team was also playing. 

In addition to the entry fees, an auction of valuable items was held during the evening meal to raise funds. These included everything from hockey sticks to golf drivers donated by famous players. The fundraising target of SEK 500,000 that had been set for the event was exceeded!

Tappra Barn is a rather small, but efficient charity organisation with the mission of helping children, at a local level, who are facing challenges in their daily lives. The organisation in the Jönköping region supports the local Child and Adolescent Clinic and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service at Ryhov in Jönköping.

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