One Axelent

"Unsere Sicherheitskultur bedeutet Wissen, Bewusstsein für Risiken und den Willen, diese zu verringern"

Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 1990 besteht unsere Aufgabe darin, Menschen zu schützen. Unsere Produkte tragen zu einer sicheren Arbeitsumgebung für Mitarbeiter:innen in der Produktion und in Lagern bei. Wir wollen auch leben, während wir lernen, und arbeiten hart daran, dass unser eigener Betrieb ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz ist. Unsere Sicherheitskultur bedeutet, dass wir unser Wissen weitergeben, unsere Kollegen:innen und Kunden über die bestehenden Risiken informieren und dass wir alle den Willen haben, diese zu verringern.

Das ist es, was unsere Mitarbeiter:innen in aller Welt sagen, was Sicherheit für sie bedeutet.

Emma Johnsson, Global Sales Axelent Sweden

For me, safety and security as a whole are largely related to the fact that we live in a society that is governed by the rule of law. There is a sense that we have laws and regulations that are there to protect us. I also associate it with having family and friends that form a secure network. 

Thomas Shelley, Technical Sales Manager Axelent England

Safety to me is all about taking responsibility for each other’s wellbeing. Not just physically like we do here at Axelent with guarding and barriers, but also in in our personal interactions with each other. It is a collaborative effort, and we can all help in small ways to ensure people feel safe and looked after. It is fantastic to be a part of a team that values this in the products we make, and the culture we create.  

Patrick Rommel, Marketing Axelent Germany

”To me, Safety is like a hygienic factor and essential for our daily life.  
Feeling safe is something you need to feel comfortable, to calm down, to feel protected and leads that you can be yourself in the best way - in business and in private life. So, Safety should play a major role in our lives”.

Teo Erlandsson, Warehouse Axelent Sweden

Safety is basically about making everything work well and efficiently while being safe. In Sweden, we are really good at safety solutions in all conceivable situations that are there in our everyday lives. To have a network of people that you can always fall back on”.

Eric Plana, Technical Support Axelent Spain

Safety means the consideration to ensure healthy and unharming environments of work. Better efficiency of production never has to increase against integrity of workers. Work safer is work better”.

Gabriella Valencia, Machine operator Axelent Sweden

It can be as simple as putting out cycle helmets for your children, even though they are teenagers and would rather not wear them. The things Axelent is working on are all about protecting others as well. It’s hard to give examples of all the little safety measures we put in place in our daily lives, because we don’t notice them”.

Matthew Redder, Purchasing Manager Axelent USA

If you must think twice whether something is safe to do it is probably not safe. Safety is the most important thing in any company or life in general. When doing your job always think of the next person if what you did will be safe for them on receiving end. Also, a big factor in safety is Ergonomics as we go thru our daily routines on the job or in life it is good to change it up so nothing is repetitive. Safety is a state of mind which needs to be embedded in every aspect of life”.   

Sara Ekman, Technical Project Manager Axelent Sweden

Safety for me is to be able to have a daily life where you can perform at work or do the hobbies you like, in a way where the risk of injuries is minimal. That my children can have an active life, where risks are minimized with simple means”.

Nicole Randazzo, Customer Service Axelent Italy

For me, safety means guaranteeing each individual and worker a certain level of protection and prevention. Feeling safe in your workplace is essential, especially in today’s world where complexity and high technology are the masters. A good knowledge of the systems and the environment around us allows us to recognize risks and know how to manage them. On a personal level, safety is feeling at ease with oneself (self-confidence), the scent of home and the arms of the people we love”. 

Lorenzo Pavan, Sales Axelent Italy

For me, safety is knowledge. To know about the dangerous situations we can encounter every day, crossing the road, walking through the woods or above all in the workplace. Training helps us in some situations to secure or manage a critical situation in the best possible way. When I have knowledge of the danger I can either prevent it or at least manage it”.

Ruben Geenen, Sales Axelent Benelux

“Safety precautions are always present in our daily lives. For example, when I need to do some drilling at home, I instantly bring some ear protections for my son.  When it comes to our roles at work, we must be role models – so when I come to a customer, I wear the correct security equipment and clothing. I can see that the security level can vary, so then it is important to set an example. After all, it is about common sense and see safety as the most important tool for people, both in a working environment and at home”.

Daniel Häggström, Head of Product Axelent Sweden

“When looking at safety in a workplace perspective I feel it is about being able to go to work and come back home secure. To have a safe workplace should in other words be given, but also that existing safety regulations should be respected and followed to protect yourself and others.” 

Amanda Johansson, Purchasing Manager Axelent Sweden

”Safety is something that many take for granted today, but still we are reminded time after time how important it is. Safety for me is that everyone should feel secure in their daily life and be able to trust the systems and safety precautions that exist. Therefore, it feels extra meaningful to be able to be a part of the development of our products”. 

Pernilla Wiman, Plant Manager Axelent Sweden

”For me a safe workplace is very important and always the first priority. Therefore, it is also very important that we talk about risks in our workday to prevent that someone is getting hurt at work”. 

Areber Peci, KAM Axelent Nordic

“A safe and good working environment is a matter of course because much of everyday life is spent at work and at the workplaces you visit. Also that existing safety regulations must be respected and followed both for one’s own safety but also for others".  

We are one Axelent

Creating the world’s safest workplaces by putting people first

We are one Axelent

Creating the world’s safest workplaces by putting people first

Safety Design

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser neues Zeichenprogramm Axelent Safety Design - die einfache Art, Sicherheit zu entwerfen

Entdecken Sie die Einfachheit unserer intuitiven Zeichenanwendung, die sich perfekt für die mühelose Erstellung von Sicherheitslayouts eignet. Safety Design bietet eine umfassende Produktpalette, die von Maschinenschutzvorrichtungen bis hin zu Fußgängerabsperrungen reicht und alle Aspekte der Sicherheit in Maschinen- und Lagerumgebungen abdeckt. Sorgen Sie für einen sichereren Arbeitsplatz mit Safety Design, wo Sicherheit auf Einfachheit trifft.