Smart Swedish solutions work in Australia

Australian company, Axelent Automation & Safety, which is wholly owned by Axelent AB, will soon be celebrating seven years on the Oceanic market. We asked Drew Hoxey, Sales Director, to give us a deeper insight into the business.



Which products do you sell?

“We focus on X-Guard machine guards and the X-Tray cable routing system.”

How many employees do you have at the company?

“The office has two sellers and an employee who takes care of sales support and distribution. We also have two part-time staff (administration, accounting and marketing).”

What sectors do you work with?

“Manufacturing, Robotics, Warehousing, Electrical, Food & Beverage processing and Agricultural. Food & Beverage sector have been large growth sectors in the past 12 months. Agricultural industries are a target sector for 2017."

What are Axelent’s strong points?

“From a customer perspective it's price and quality, but also the user-friendliness, from Axelent’s in-house developed CAD program SnapperWorks, which gives the customer a drawing and a price very quickly, to the installation of the products.”





What are the advantages of being part of the Axelent Group?

“For us who are far away from head office, it's reassuring to know that we always get business support and help with infrastructure, training and marketing.”

How do you and your customers feel about Axelent being a Swedish company with its own production plant?

“Swedish brands are very popular in Australia thanks to companies like Volvo, Ikea and Thule introducing quality and smart solutions to our market. For us, Axelent’s products being designed and manufactured under the same roof is a strong selling point. There are some very poor machine guard solutions being imported to Australia. These are made and sold at a very low cost, but people soon find out they are cheap for a reason, something that we can take advantage of with our high quality product.”

How does the future look?

“Following extensive internal changes we’ve carried out a complete restructuring of our business. Regrouping the team has been beneficial with regard to our working methods and business goals. The changes have been really positive for our team, our distributors and our customers alike, and we’re looking forward to a strong 2017.”

Photo: Les Wall & Drew Hoxey

Facts Adelaide

Population 1,316,779 (2015).

The city was founded in 1836 by settlers and is sometimes referred to as the City of Churches due to the many churches there.

The area is known for its vineyards, the most famous being in Barossa Valley.

Adelaide has a Mediterranean climate with temperatures reaching 44 degrees in the summer and 15 during winter.

Adelaide is the home of Axelent Automation & Safety's office and warehouse, but the products are being sold throughout Australia and New Zealand.


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