Axelent GmbH is investing in the future




In January, Matthias Schulz from Axelent ProfiServices, a part of Axelent GmbH, held a lecture for the students at the Technical College in Aalen. The lecture was a practical part of their course.

From Axelent GmbH’s perspective, lectures like this have several benefits. For example, as prospective future customers, the students learn about machine safety while discovering that Axelent is the perfect partner in safety solutions. It is also good exposure for the Axelent brand because who knows? One of the young students in the audience may well be a future employee of Axelent.

Matthias Schulz received plenty of positive feedback from the audience after the lecture. They had no idea that a subject like the European Machine Directive could be so entertaining.

Holding the event regularly has a further advantage. It is the perfect opportunity for Axelent GmbH to train new employees.




Short Track World Cup in Dresden

For the third time, Axelent GmbH was official sponsor of the Short Track World Cup in Dresden, held on February 3–5. A fantastic event with more than an hour's live broadcast on primetime German TV. This sport is so fast and spectacular that it is amazing to see the athletes in action.

Anna Seidel made her comeback from a serious injury sustained during training last summer. After eight months off she is now set on competing with the world elite once again with the 2018 Winter Olympics firmly in her sights.




Axelent products part of a museum exhibition

An exhibition by the name of Universum has been on show since last winter in the north German city of Bremen. The theme is “Different rooms – as different as us” and is on the subject of integration. The eight different rooms and the 550 square metres give visitors an insight into living with a disability.

Axelent’s X-Store is used throughout the exhibition, not only as room partitions but also handy notice boards on which to hang pictures and information. Axelent GmbH was happy to oblige and in return have been given some of the rooms to use for safety seminars in the summer.

Harald Steidle, MD, Axelent GmbH:
“Like all companies, Axelent is part of society and has an important role to play. For us it was a pleasure to support this interesting exhibition by offering our X-Store system.”

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Entdecken Sie die Einfachheit unserer intuitiven Zeichenanwendung, die sich perfekt für die mühelose Erstellung von Sicherheitslayouts eignet. Safety Design bietet eine umfassende Produktpalette, die von Maschinenschutzvorrichtungen bis hin zu Fußgängerabsperrungen reicht und alle Aspekte der Sicherheit in Maschinen- und Lagerumgebungen abdeckt. Sorgen Sie für einen sichereren Arbeitsplatz mit Safety Design, wo Sicherheit auf Einfachheit trifft.