Safe and smart solutions from Safe-X are now a part of Axelent

Safe-X has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Axelent since June 1. Safe-X has always had a close association with Axelent and the merger makes it easier for both companies to offer turnkey solutions. Sales Manager Lisa Brandelius talks about the new ownership and the future of X-Safe.




What is the product range?

Safe-X offers a wide selection of quality products covering several areas. We sell products for outdoor use, such as our very popular cycle rack. Mostly the traditional rack, but also in innovative designs unique to Safe-X. Our BikeUp is a 2-storey rack, a clever design that offers double capacity. Other outdoor products include litter bins and speed ramps. Our safety products cover a wide range of uses within industry, warehousing and construction, and include collision bars, impact guards, floor markings, observation mirrors and chain barrier posts.

How many employees do you have at Safe-X?

Two at the moment.

Which industries do you target?

Industry, warehousing and construction.




What are your strongest sides?

Speed and service. The customer is always in focus. They receive a prompt and professional response, and short delivery times. Our products are high quality and reasonably priced. We will always broaden our range to suit customer demand and by manufacturing our own bike racks we are able to offer customised solutions.

What advantages do you see in being a part of Axelent?

Being part of a larger company provides greater opportunities. New colleagues entering the fold bring with them new ideas that enhance our skills. Historically, Axelent and Safe-X have always had a close association, especially with Axelent Construction. Being a part of Axelent now enables us to be a comprehensive supplier to our customers. We often visit the same customers and can now help each other with sales and customer support.




What does the future hold?

We aim to expand, and cycle parking is an area that is calling out for expansion. So far, our focus has exclusively been in the Nordic region, but we now aim to expand onto the global market.

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