4 million reach for our global campaign in 2018

With a fantastic year behind us, we are looking to ride the wave all the way into 2019. The first part of the global campaign is in full swing and packed to the rafters with exciting ideas.

Axelent X Tray For X Guard)



An extract from our white paper about cable trays

Cables are needed everywhere, in all the rooms and to all the machines. The idea behind X-Tray cable trays is to manage your cable routing in a smart and well-thought-out way. Cable trays should also be easy to adapt, install and clean, as well as being cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing on the eye. The X-Tray cable routing system is also quick and easy to install.

X-Tray comes in all shapes and sizes in order to meet the differing needs and desires of our customers. Different customer segments have different needs. In a warehouse or similar, cable trays do not need to be stainless while in the food industry they need to be both stainless and acid-resistant for the sake of hygiene. The range consists of hot dip galvanized, stainless with no after-treatment, acid-resistant that copes with chemicals, black zinc to match a black machine guard or other equipment, and in a blue or blank zinc with a chrome finish.

Read the complete White paper at the campaign site.

Global Campaign Axel



Video with Axel in three parts

Axelent’s safety agent Axel visits a chocolate factory and as usual he finds things that can be improved. 

Watch it on YouTube now!

Axel for everyone!

We added more languages to the second and third parts of the campaign. It was now possible to follow it in Swedish, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

RESULT Global campaign 2018


Reach: just over 1.5 million
Viewings of Axel video no. 1: 152,181
Campaign site: 7,283 sessions
YouTube subscriptions rose by 56%
Facebook followers, some examples:
Axelent Group +69%
Axelent Australia +152%
Axelent USA +460%


Reach: just over 1 million
Viewings of Axel video no. 2: 78,960
Campaign site: 10,960 sessions
Facebook followers, some examples:
Axelent Group +69%
Axelent Australia +47%
Axelent USA +42%
Axelent Benelux +151%


Reach: 1.4 million
Viewings of Axel video no. 3: 158,280
Campaign site: 18,265 sessions
Facebook followers, some examples:
Axelent Group +28 %
Axelent Italy +35 %
Axelent Benelux +69 %


Reach: 4 million
All the video streams 503,000
51,000 different visitors to the campaign site
32,000 opened newsletters (CTO up to 19%)

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Safety Design

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser neues Zeichenprogramm Axelent Safety Design - die einfache Art, Sicherheit zu entwerfen

Entdecken Sie die Einfachheit unserer intuitiven Zeichenanwendung, die sich perfekt für die mühelose Erstellung von Sicherheitslayouts eignet. Safety Design bietet eine umfassende Produktpalette, die von Maschinenschutzvorrichtungen bis hin zu Fußgängerabsperrungen reicht und alle Aspekte der Sicherheit in Maschinen- und Lagerumgebungen abdeckt. Sorgen Sie für einen sichereren Arbeitsplatz mit Safety Design, wo Sicherheit auf Einfachheit trifft.