Add More Colors

How graffiti can be a life changer


When Axelent AB, Hillerstorp, built a new production area last winter, part of it was used as a sports hall for employees. To create something different and eye-catching, street art agency Add More Colors were tasked with spraying a gigantic graffiti mural on one of the walls. The beauty of it is that it not only adorns the place, it has also changed the lives of people in Cambodia.




Peter Brobeck, Art director, Add More Colors:

“The mural in Axelent's sports hall was so large in both scope and economic dimensions that we could allocate 25% of the revenues to our ongoing charity project in Cambodia. That feels great! Normally, 10% of the revenues are allocated.

I’ve been in Cambodia myself since August 2016. Together with the Green Leaf Foundation charity organisation we’ve invested the revenues from Axelent’s wall mural in a water well for the small villages surrounding Siem Reap.”




See their smile – self-sustaining source of income

“Our mission together with the Green Leaf Foundation has been to create a self-sustaining source of income for the villagers. The outcome of all this is ‘See their smile’, a video service where the donor not only gets pictures from the project, but also a video of the work and how their donation has improved the quality of life for the villagers.

It's the people themselves who do the filming and editing, which generates local jobs. Axelent was the test pilot for the project.”

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